Triathlon Marathon Insurance
Triathlon Marathon Insurance
The Triathlon is a mixed discipline sport which involves three continuous and sequential endurance events. The Triathlon’s most popular form involves swimming, cycling and running. Races vary in distance with the Olympic distances of: 1.5 kilometers for the swim, 40 kilometers for the ride and 10 kilometers for the run. Originated in France around the 1920s, the Triathlon didn’t become an Olympic sport until the 2000 games in Sydney. The Marathon is a long-distance running event that is most often run as a road race. Although the distance may vary, the official distance of the Marathon is nearly 27 miles. Unlike the Triathlon, the Marathon was one of the original Olympic events in 1896. The Triathlon athlete experiences fewer injuries because this event involves three disciplines rather than only one. However, there is always the possibility of sustaining injuries like falling off your cycle or pulling a muscle or stumbling on the race course. On the other hand, the Marathon involves a greater risk for injuries. The runner is definitely under stress and the most common injuries are tendonitis, fatigue, knee or ankle sprains or extreme dehydration. Further, runners, who under-train for a Marathon, often run the risk of a heart attack or heart damage. The bottom line is that if you are involved in either Triathlon or Marathon events as a coach, athletic club sponsor, school or a participant, etc., you are going to want the protection from the best sports insurance around – Westpoint Insurance.
Triathlon Training Insurance
For more than 30 years, Westpoint Insurance has been serving all 50 states with the best sports insurance available. We possess the background and the experience to fully understand all of the hazards encountered by participants, schools, sports club and all personnel involved in Triathlon and Marathon events. In fact, we can draft a comprehensive insurance plan specifically for you that will provide you with the coverage you require and the peace of mind you deserve! Sports insurance for teams, leagues and sporting associations is our specialty! Westpoint Insurance will give your Triathlon and Marathon personnel the financial resources to protect you. Westpoint Insurance’s team of professionals will determine the most appropriate insurance for you, because we tailor a policy to match your specifications and make sure that it also fits your budget.
Marathon Training Insurance
Don’t settle for less than the best in sports insurance! That’s why you need to contact Westpoint Insurance because our specialty is sports insurance. We can be relied upon delivering you the insurance that coincides with your needs, while being affordable! You can’t beat those kinds of options! Why wait until it is too late? Call Westpoint Insurance today to talk with one of our agents about sports insurance for your Triathlon and Marathon program.