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Proper insurance is a concern of all the Teams, Leagues, and Field Owners who host the NSA sanctioned competitions.

Any kind of legal action is incredibly expensive, even if you are innocent or a lawsuit is frivolous. Baseball leagues and teams are certainly not exempt from lawsuits and they simply cannot afford to be without adequate liability insurance protection.

The NSA Program offers an increased limit of $4,000,000 of primary liability coverage to each team as they participate in all amateur sanctioned softball competitions and other related scheduled activities of the league. Protection extends to players, coaches, managers, volunteers, officers & directors of a team. If all teams within a league participate, coverage extends to league officers and directors.

$100,000 Accident Medical Coverage – Excess

Accidents happen, and with today's soaring medical costs, they can ruin an injured player financially. The NSA Program offers $100,000 of excess accident medical insurance for each covered
injury which pays the bills left unpaid by other collectable insurance or health plans after a $250 deductible.

Program Highlights

Field Owners Additional Insured Endorsement

The General Liability policy includes a blanket additional insured endorsement that covers all fields owned or leased by the individual/entity as long as they are hosting NSA participants
and spectators. Field owners can be listed as additional insureds with respect to the NSA sanctioned individual team/ tournament. A certificate of insurance may be issued to the field
owner to evidence this coverage. Requests will be accepted by the authorized NSA State Director. A Certificate Request Form is available at

Coverage is not intended to replace the field owner's primary insurance policy, but provide them with a defense and judgment benefit, should they be sued as a result of the NSA's
negligence. Coverage is in force for the National Softball Association competitions only.

New and Improved Application Procedure

In an effort to improve the application process, Willis, an HRH Company has formed a strategic partnership with Westpoint Insurance Group to simplify obtaining certificates of insurance. A four person team will be dedicated to servicing all of the NSA insurance needs. As a result payments and claims will be remitted directly to Westpoint Insurance Group.

General Liability Insurance Plan

Who is covered?

Coverage is provided for your association, league, or team against claims of bodily injury liability, property damage liability and the litigation costs to defend against such claims,
even if groundless.

General Liability Limits

$3,000,000 each occurrence / $4,000,000 Aggregate

Occurrence means any accident, including continuous or repeated exposure to the same general harmful conditions. Aggregate limit is the maximum dollar amount which will be paid for all losses in a policy period.

General Liability Coverage Includes:

  • Injury or death of a Participant, Spectator or Volunteer
  • Host liquor liability (nonprofit)
  • Ownership, use or maintenance of fields
  • Consumption of food and other products
  • Activities such as meetings, banquets and fund raisers
  • Activities necessary or incidental to conduct of practices and games
  • Incidental Medical Malpractice
  • Abuse & Molestation ($100,000)
  • Corporal Punishment
  • General negligence claims


You must refer to the policy for complete information on policy exclusions. Your exclusions include, but are not limited to: Terrorism, War, Asbestos, Nuclear Energy, Total Pollution, Total
Fireworks/Pyrotechnics, Employment Related Practices, Entertainment Errors & Omissions, Aircraft Liability, Lead Liability, Sale/Manufacture/Distribution of Athletic Equipment, Assault &
Battery, Stunt Racing, Collapse of Temporary Structure.

Accident Medical Insurance Plan

Who is covered?

Insured persons are team players, coaches, managers & volunteers of the team(s) specified in the application.

Covered Activity

Covered activity means an event sanctioned by the NSA, other amateur baseball competitions and team or group travel directly to and from such an event.

Accidental Medical Benefits

If an Insured Person incurs Covered Expenses as a result of an Injury sustained during a Covered Activity, the plan will pay 100% of those Covered Expenses after a deductible of $250. Covered Expenses are charges for medically necessary services or supplies made by a hospital, doctor, laboratory, clinic or pharmacy within one year of the date of the injury.

Accident Medical Limits

$100,000 Maximum Medical Benefit per claim
$250 Deductible per claim

Dental Expense: $250 per tooth/per accident to a maximum of $1,000

Accidental Death and Dismemberment

If an Insured Person suffers a listed Loss as a result of and within one year of an Injury sustained during a Covered Activity, the plan will pay the corresponding payment.

Loss Payment
Death $5,000
Both hands or feet $5,000
Sight of both eyes $5,000
One hand or foot and sight of one eye $5,000
One hand or foot $2,500
Speech or hearing of both ears $2,500
Thumb & index finger of same hand $1,250

General Exclusions & Limitations

You must refer to the policy for complete policy exclusions. The policy does not cover and no payment will be made for any loss or expense arising out of or resulting from:

  • Self-destruction or an attempt there at while sane or intentionally self-inflicted injury;
  • The attempt by the Insured Person to commit a felony;
  • The Insured Person's being intoxicated;
  • The use by the Insured Person of drugs or narcotics unless used as prescribed by a Doctor for a condition other than drug addiction;
  • War, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, civil war, rebellion, insurrection or insurgencies
  • Illness or disease, except:
    • As may be specifically provided for in the policy;
    • As may result from an injury;
    • A cardiovascular accident, stroke or other traumatic event caused by exertion while participating in a Covered Event;
    • The aggravation of a condition, including but not limited to, tendonitis, strains, sprains and other similar conditions caused by exertion while participating in a Covered Event.

Accidental Death and Dismemberment Exclusions and Limitations

No benefits are payable under this benefit provision for any loss caused or contributed to by:

  • Illness or medical or surgical treatment of illness, including diagnosis;
  • Bacterial infection, except septic infection of and through a wound accidentally sustained;
  • Travel or flight in or descent from any aircraft, unless the Insured Person is a fare-paying passenger on a regularly scheduled flight on a commercial airline;
  • Any of the occurrences listed above in the General Exclusions and Limitations.

Accidental Medical Benefits Exclusions and Limitations

Covered Expenses will never include and no benefits will ever be payable for any charges which:

  • Exceed the reasonable and customary charge
  • Are incurred for dental work unless the Insured Person sustains an injury which results in damage to his or her natural teeth
  • Are incurred for services or supplies not specifically provided for in the policy
  • Would not have been made in the absence of insurance or which the Insured Person is not legally obligated to pay
  • Are incurred for cosmetic procedures, unless made Medically Necessary by an Injury
  • Are incurred for eyeglasses, contact lenses or hearing aids or for any examination or fitting related to these devices, unless made Medically Necessary by an Injury
  • Are incurred for care or treatment which is not Medically Necessary to the diagnosis or treatment of an injury
  • Are incurred for custodial care
  • Are incurred for treatment of a pre-existing condition
  • Arise out of any of the occurrences listed above in the General Exclusions and Limitations.

Need Assistance or Have Questions?
Call Westpoint Toll Free: (800) 318-7708
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