Call Us Today: 800.318.7709
Accident Medical and General Liability Insurance

Our knowledgeable and experienced staff and underwriters have done the due diligence and research necessary to understand the specific risks involved in managing an Amateur Youth Sports league, team, squad, club or association. We are constantly working provide a comprehensive program designed to give your group the coverage it needs and the peace of mind you want.

Hockey Team Insurance

Let’s face it – accidents happen and proper insurance prevents extreme financial loss. We’re here to help you prevent any personal loss due to that exposure of risk. Even if there is no culpability, the cost of defense for a claim of civil liability is covered by our policy.

Our General Liability and Accident Medical plans are designed to cover the basics of most amateur youth sports teams. We can also build on this foundation with a customized quote, offering higher limits or additional coverages as required, meeting your risk’s specific needs.

General Liability Insurance Plan >
Protects you in the event of a lawsuit or property damage.

Ice Hockey Insurance

Mandatory Accidental Medical Plan >
Pays the medical bills of an injured participant or staff member.

Have Questions Or Need Additional Assistance?
Contact us at 1-800-318-7709 for higher limits or a customized quote.

Note: All of the above exclusions and limitations are subject to the terms and conditions of the insurance policy. Certain of these exclusions or limitations may be modified to meet individual state requirements. Premium rates are subject to change. The rates in the quotation are based on information provided by the risk at the time of application and may be modified if the information changes from the initial submission by the risk.

This description highlights the benefits, exclusions & limitations of the program, but is not a contract. For specific contract details, please request and review the insurance policy.