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Fundraiser Insurance

Accident Medical and General Liability Insurance for Fundraisers

Fundraising events are a special means by which non-profit and for-profit organizations can obtain money to operate. They are a process whereby individuals, businesses, charitable organization, agencies and even politicians can solicit contributions from the public. Lately, there has been an uptick in the number of fundraising activities for disaster relief, human rights, humanitarian concerns and political campaigns. Regardless of the kind of fundraising event you are planning to host, you are most certainly going to want to look into purchasing the finest Fundraising Insurance imaginable. This is when you are going to want the company that is recognized for offering the best Fundraising InsuranceWestpoint Insurance! We provide the accident and liability insurance that your fundraising event will require. Unlike our competitors, Westpoint Insurance’s Fundraising Insurance is specifically tailored to the event it covers. Westpoint Insurance doesn’t sell cookie-cutter insurance policies to its customers. That’s because no two policies should ever be alike because no two fundraising events are ever alike!

Fundraiser Isurance Coverage

You are definitely going to want a custom-designed Fundraising Insurance policy for your event. You will also want to ensure that your Fundraising Insurance protects your facility, your employees, volunteers, and all participants at the fundraising event. This is where Westpoint Insurance enters the picture! We have the Fundraising Insurance you will need on the occasion that someone is ever injured in an accident while in service or attending the fundraising event. Although a serious injury is unlikely, all persons holding fundraising events know they need to have the best coverage from Westpoint Insurance if the unexpected does occur! The risk of injuries should never be ignored. Not only do youneed to protect yourself from liability, but you will also want to ensure that your participants, employees and volunteers are also protected in the event of any accidents.

Fundraiser Insurance Policies

Westpoint Insurance is a family-owned and operated insurance agency that has been providing coverage throughout the nation, for over three decades. Whether you are a host business or facility, it is smart to be insured. Westpoint Insurance is able to deliver Fundraising Insurance in all 50 states. It is specifically designed to eliminate the financial responsibility you could suffer as the result of expensive medical bills or civil litigation. Most importantly, Westpoint Insurance works for YOU; not the insurance company! As an independent agency, Westpoint Insurance will ensure that your Fundraising Insurance policy is up-to-date and competitive in the current insurance market. No other insurance company has the same talent and expertise that Westpoint Insurance has when it comes to Fundraising Insurance. To find out more about Westpoint Insurance’s Fundraising Insurance, call our agents today!

Fundraiser Insurance | Fundraiser Insurance Coverage | Fundraiser Liability Insurance | Fundraiser Insurance Policies